Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Two Tickets to Paradise: Gros Piton

Thursday we decided to get out and take on Gros Piton. Stonefield offers hiking tours for both Pitons, but the Petit Piton is an expert level hike. Now I am no hiker, but after talking to other guests who had done it, I thought I could do it. I am not going to lie... it.was.HARD!

We woke up Thursday morning to rain, but we decided to still do our hike. Most rain lasts for a short time and then clears up. So we thought by the time we got to the piton it would be cleared up. We were wrong. As soon as we got into our taxi, it started thundering and lightning and raining buckets. But we still went. When we got to Gros Piton, it was still raining and they were closed, but one of the tour guides said he would take us up if we still wanted to go. We said we did and headed up.

It started out pretty easy, but then we hit the part where it was pretty much straight up. My legs have never worked so hard. Justin and the guide seemed to just fly up the mountain, while I struggled to keep up. But the guide was really cool and told me to take my time and that they would wait for me to catch up if I fell too far behind -- which happened A LOT.

We made it half way to the half way point and stopped to take a 5 minute break.

Us at the half way to the half way point. See me smiling through the pain.

Then we started up the mountain again. The guide was determined to get me to the half way point. So he kept telling me I was doing a good job and motivating me to continue. I told you it was hard.

We finally made it half way up Gros Piton. The view is supposed to be one of the best on the island. Remember when I told you it was raining? Yeah, well it was super foggy so it was hard to see. We sat there for a good 20 minutes hoping it would clear up, and it did some. So we snapped this picture.

Justin wanted to continue to the top and I was more than happy to sit at the half way point and wait for them to come back on the way down. But because of the fog and the fact that it wasnt clearing, it didnt make sense to continue since the view would be blanketed by fog. So we headed back down which was much much much EASIER than climbing up. I had no problem with the descent.

Eventhough it kicked my butt and I felt it for days after -- even when we got home -- its something that I am so glad I did. I just wish the weather had been a little bit nicer.

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